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Frequently asked questions

Is it allowed to use modified checklists inside SURPASS Digital application?
SURPASS is a validated and effective checklist and the SURPASS Support Group strongly recommends using this checklist. Hospitals are however allowed to make modification to the checklists they want to use within the SURPASS Digital application.

Does the use of SURPASS Digital force users to re-enter the same data twice?
Re-entering data is not efficient and can lead to errors.The SURPASS Digital application therefore offers the possibility to connect to other systems to import exciting data. An example of this is the connection to a Procedure Registration System, where all known procedure info is retrieved when creating a checklist.

Within our hospital we make use of ERP XXXX. Can SURPASS Digital be integrated within this ERP?
SURPASS Digital has been designed to be interoperable with existing ICT infrastructures within the hospitals. Many ERP's en Hospital Information Systems support the option for displaying web pages out of the box. In this case only a configuration adjustment is needed in order to integrate SURPASS Digital wihtin the ERP. For connections to back-end systems widely used protocols like HL7 and LDAP are supported by default, additional protocols can also be added. The SURPASS Support team offers support for integration SURPASS Digital within the hospitals ICT infrastruture.